================ Additional tools ================ Merge two datasets ================== :menuselection:`File --> Merge two files`: Used to merge two experiments. .. container:: caution Both experiments have to include identical channel and metadata information! Multichannel demo-/kymographs ============================= :menuselection:`Tools --> Create multichannel demo-/kymograph`: Create multicolor demo- or kymographs by combining up to three individual channels in one image. 1. Create a demo-/kymograph and save it as a Matlab :code:`fig`-file. 2. Create a demo-/kymograph from the same cells for a different channel and save it as a Matlab :code:`fig`-file. 3. (Repeat for a 3rd channel if appropriate) 4. Call `Tools --> Create multichannel demo-/kymograph` and select the :code:`fig`-files and colors for the individual channels. .. container:: hint The combined demo- or kymograph might look nicer, if the colormap of the individual demo- or kymographs is adjusted. This needs to be done for each demo- or kymograph separately. Export annotated images ======================= :menuselection:`Tools --> Save screenshot`: Save current segmentation view as :code:`png`, :code:`jpeg` or :code:`eps` file (sequence). Creates a new figure and copies all cells (+overlays) from the segmentation view to it. Afterwards the figure content can be modified. Export annotated movie ====================== :menuselection:`Tools --> Save movie`: Create movie of your current segmentation view as image file sequence (:code:`png`, :code:`jpeg` or :code:`eps`) or movie file (:code:`avi` and :code:`mp4`). Time metadata can be added as label of customizable fontsize and the framerate and movie quality can be set. ===================== Custom Matlab scripts ===================== The cell/stalk segmentation data can be accessed in the following way for customized processing. Run .. code:: matlab BacStalk_data = getUIData(gcf); to retrieve the underlying data and .. code:: matlab setUIData(gcf, BacStalk_data); to apply any changes and make them visible in the GUI. The segmentation data is stored in the structure .. code:: matlab BacStalk_data.frames A detailled description of the raw data Matlab structures is shown in the following figure. The PDF-version can be downloaded `here <../images/raw_data_explanation_sheet.pdf>`_. .. image:: ../images/raw_data_explanation.png :alt: Raw data Matlab structures of BacStalk :width: 585 :align: center